Dogs and pets (includes Pennypaws donation)

Nowhere Else

Makes Scents!

We are very proud to introduce our new line of wax melts and diffusers. As with everything that we do, we have taken great care to ensure that our creations are made with quality products and only the best materials…

…and are something that you will find Nowhere Else!

Pennypaws Rescue

I'm really pleased and excited to announce that we are now working in conjunction with a brilliant dog charity called Pennypaws.

This charity is very close to my ❤️ as its where I got my gorgeous puppy Sonny from. Found on the streets with his 3-legged mum and siblings, Sonny was taken to a kill shelter before being rescued by Gill and eventually finding his new home with me and my family here in the UK. Just as she did with Sonny and his pack, Gill and her team work tirelessly to ensure that as many pups as possible are placed in foster care until a home can be found for them in the UK.

There are considerable boarding, medical, and transportation costs to bear to accomplish these fantastic feats so we are very proud to be able to help by donating 20% of the sale of any items purchased from the ‘Pennypaws’ section of the website. Get yourself a unique piece of doggy related swag and help a really great cause at the same time.

Please click on the Pennypaws logo for more information